
One way to do this is to start working with developers to see what they’re doing. Understanding existing processes can prepare you for DevOps roles. GitGit is an open-source SCM (source software management) tool used extensively in the industry of software. DevOps is not about having developers perform specific operational tasks so that you can eliminate operating teams.

It has gained a lot of favor in the DevOps community for its ability to be highly automated. So, before you start your search, it’s important to understand what you are looking for and how to stand out in a competitive hiring landscape. If you want a job in DevOps, you’ll need to be prepared to show what you have to offer and sell yourself to prospective employers.

Steps to a Successful DevOps Career

If you meet all of the above criteria, then you should have no problem becoming a DevOps engineer. Just remember to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in both software development and system administration, and you’ll be well on your way to success. While learning how to become a DevOps engineer, you should also be aware of the salary prospects in the field. After all, if you plan on sticking with a DevOps career for the long haul, you should make sure it’s an economically viable choice, right? Once the application is tested, it needs to be deployed and run in the production server. To deploy an application, you should know the relevant containers and configuration management tools.

Based on statistics published by in December 2021, DevOps Engineers earn an average annual salary of $97,098. Entry-level DevOps Engineers earn just under $75,000 per year, while those with 20-plus years of experience can realize a yearly wage of $130,847. Salaries for DevOps Engineers above the national average are seen in such cities as San Francisco, New York, and Seattle. During deployment, you’ll take your code from version control to users of your application. Automation is a key component of this step, and Jenkins is the central way to automate. As its name implies, Terraform has one purpose in life — to create infrastructure as code in an automated way that speeds up your entire process.

DevOps Degrees

These include monitoring technologies like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK. One example of automation in action is Infrastructure as Code (IaC). As its What is a Cloffice? How I Turned My Closet into an Office Space name implies, IaC codifies the management of IT infrastructures, which allows for a lot more flexibility (and automation) than manual processes.

DevOps engineers should use a continuous integration or continuous development (CI/CD) tool. There are plenty of CI/CD tools available, such as Jenkins, TeamCity, Drone, etc. According to InformationWeek, DevOps will be in high demand in the future with little chance of slowing down. The DevOps market will be worth USD 14.9 billion by 2026, a good sign that demand will remain consistently high. This surge in demand is leading organizations around the world to search for professionals with DevOps certification in order to smoothly transition into Devops practices as soon as they can. You’ll probably need around five years of experience in a development or operations role to become a DevOps engineer.

Always look for new learning opportunities.

Furthermore, being part of a DevOps team is a quicker way to break into the industry, get jobs, and build experience. In addition, the services of DevOps engineers are needed in virtually every industry that utilizes software programs and other IT solutions to create products. Hence, you can choose a niche that best matches your abilities and start building your career in the industry. It lets you acquire essential DevOps skills and set yourself up for success in the DevOps field. The DevOps job market outlook is healthy and promising due to the rise of SaaS products and services. Also, traditional software development companies that develop mobile and PC apps have pretty good requirements.

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