How to Conduct Effective CCB Meetings and Reviews

Новости  24 декабря 2021, 04:25  glady

Acknowledging and addressing any concerns or issues raised by the CCB members and other stakeholders should also be done while providing evidence, rationale, and alternatives where possible. Ultimately, seeking win-win solutions that balance the needs and interests of all parties involved while maintaining the project objectives is key. Lastly, communicating the CCB decisions clearly and promptly to all relevant stakeholders with explanations of reasons and implications will help foster trust, cooperation, and satisfaction among all involved.

Regardless of differences, the structure for both change bodies must be clear, effective, and efficient. Without these components, companies will fall behind competitors who make changes quickly and safely. Companies must continuously ensure the CCB and CAB succeed, and they’ll also want to prevent change-related bottlenecks, particularly when it makes sense to cascade ownership from decision teams to the teams that own solutions, such as product teams or joint technical teams. Poor change control can significantly impact the project in terms of scope, cost, time, risk, and benefits. Therefore, it is crucial that the CCB members are sufficiently equipped with information, experience, and support necessary to make the best decisions. The block P represents a general plant, whilst block K is a controller.

RE Definition: Configuration Control Board

CCB members
are obligated to make their position(s) known to the chairperson;
and ultimately to approving the CCB directive/order (when required)
noting their agreement or disagreement with the decision. To approve
the CCB Directive (CCBD), a person must be the primary (or alternate)
CCB member designated by the CCB charter. The procuring activity’s CM office should publish procedures
for CCB operation so that all members understand its importance
to the acquisition process. A CCB secretariat schedules meetings,
distributes agendas, records CCB decisions, and distributes minutes
and directives to parties who are assigned implementing action(s)
or have a need to know. The CCB operating procedures should also
define target processing times for ECPs to assure timely staffing,
approval and implementation. The CDCA on the other hand, pertains to specifications or any
other type of document and is independent of the organization that
physically maintains and stores the document.

An internal CCB comprising developers and technical managers is formed to deal with changes in design approaches that will not be visible to the customer or impact costs and delivery dates. A configuration is the set of characteristics that define a final product or deliverable. Physical specifications may include the color, size, weight, configuration control boards shape, and materials. Pass the first time with quality practice test questions, performance-based questions, flashcards, and audio. Learn how ServiceOps can help you predict change risks using service and operational data, support cross-functional collaboration to solve problems, and automatically recommend problem resolutions.


Changes to contractor baselined documentation must
all be reviewed by the contractor to determine if they also impact
government performance requirements and support activities. A group of qualified people with responsibility for the process of regulating and approving changes to hardware, firmware, software, and documentation throughout the development and operational life cycle of an information system. Each element of the structural configuration must be specified to support software implementation.

These changes may affect requirements, features, code, or infrastructure. The structural design configuration should be placed under technical configuration control to prevent the introduction of inadvertent changes. Every element of the structural configuration should be uniquely identified per approved software configuration control procedures. From this point forward, only change requests or proposals that have been approved by the software change control board (CCB) should be integrated into the structural configuration.

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The model P, is constructed from the blocks Gn, Wu and Wp representing a nominal description of the process under control, a bi-proper weight function describing the uncertainty of the nominal model and a bi-proper performance weight function respectively. The state vectors of the three individual blocks are assumed to be available for control and are stacked as the vector x. P can be described by the difference equations (1) and is used as the internal model of the MPC. The block △ and Kfv represent the norm bounded perturbation matrix and the favourite controller respectively.

The span of Configuration control begins for the Government once
the first configuration document is approved and baselined. This
normally occurs when the functional configuration baseline (referred
to as the requirements baseline in EIA/IS-649) is established for
a system or configuration item. Configuration control is an essential discipline
throughout the program life cycle.

h International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering

The contractor makes the decision when the change is to items/configuration
documentation for which it is the configuration control authority,
provided those changes do not impact the Government’s baselines. Before you start any CCB meeting or review, make sure that everyone involved knows their roles and responsibilities. The CCB typically consists of a chairperson, a secretary, and representatives from various functional areas, such as engineering, testing, quality, customer, and management. The chairperson leads the meeting, sets the agenda, and facilitates the discussion. The secretary records the minutes, tracks the action items, and updates the CM database. The representatives review the change requests, provide feedback, and vote on the approval or rejection of the changes.

  • The last best practice for conducting effective CCB meetings and reviews is to evaluate and improve the CCB performance.
  • Logbooks should be maintained with each prototype board and these logs should be kept up-to-date.
  • Configuration control is perhaps the most visible element of
    configuration management.
  • The chairperson leads the meeting, sets the agenda, and facilitates the discussion.
  • IT service management has long suffered from bureaucratic approaches and general risk aversion—which results in layers of approvals, development delays and confusion, and, ultimately, failure to deliver value to customers in an agile manner.
  • A configuration is the set of characteristics that define a final product or deliverable.

In addition, the process
makes affected parties aware that a change is being developed and
enables them to provide pertinent input. Configuration control is perhaps the most visible element of
configuration management. The functional architecture should be placed under technical configuration control to establish a functional design baseline for software design synthesis.

More articles on Configuration Management

A Change control board can be one of the primary reasons in the success or failure of the projects in an organization. Most of the projects fails because of too many unplanned changes and scope creep. Organizations may choose to have a single CCB handling change requests across multiple projects. A low-level CCB could handle lower priority change requests, for instance non-customer-facing features or changes with low/no cost impact. A higher-level CCB could tackle major change requests that have significant impact on costs or customer. Logbooks should be maintained with each prototype board and these logs should be kept up-to-date.

The functional architecture must be complete and traceable to software specifications. The software engineering team representatives from software implementation and test and evaluation organizations must endorse the functional architecture and revise their technical plans and schedules to align organizational resources with anticipated task assignments. One of the most difficult aspects of CCB meetings and reviews is effectively managing conflicts and expectations among the CCB members and other stakeholders. Conflicts can arise due to varying perspectives, interests, preferences, or priorities for change requests, and expectations can differ based on the scope, complexity, urgency, or feasibility of the change requests. To manage these conflicts and expectations adequately, it is important to establish clear ground rules and guidelines for the CCB meetings and reviews, such as roles, responsibilities, procedures, criteria, and deadlines. Additionally, encouraging respectful and constructive dialogue between the CCB members and other stakeholders is essential; personal attacks, blame, or criticism should be avoided.

Developing a Configuration Management Plan

In most organizations, the Change Manager chairs the Change Advisory Board. Depending on the typical activity in your IT department, your CAB may meet as often as twice weekly. No matter the frequency of meetings, the Change Manager should communicate the scheduled change required well in advance of meetings, so individuals on the CAB are prepared to make the best decisions. Mostly involved in decision making for deployments to IT production environments, the Change Advisory Board (CAB) is a body constituted to support the authorization of changes and to assist change management in the assessment, prioritization, and scheduling of changes. When taken together, these security control principles form the basis for the security requirements, which should be defined in any level of architecture and design. The general control configuration used for the synthesis of the favourite controller is shown in figure 1(b).

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